Monday 2 November 2015

Audio Effects in Avid

Below is a screen shot from an Avid project we have been working on in Avid during Post Production tutorial. We were given all the audio tracks and video separately and had to arrange them together. One new thing I have learnt from this Post Production tutorial is audio effects, for one part of this video we had to use Reverb effect. I had some previous knowledge about Reverb from doing music production in my spare time, but I was not sure of how this effect could be used in film. I have learn about how this effect could be used, for example if a sound effect was being continued through another shot a Reverb could be used to show that the sound is echoing throughout a location.

Below is an image of the Reverb I used in Avid. I found this relatively simple to use, the controls are very clear and everything in the Reverb is set out neatly. Next time, I would like to look into other audio effects. I will conduct more research into what Audio effects are available and think of ways I could incorporate them into my own projects. 

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