Monday 9 November 2015

Editing Scene 34

In Post Production tutorial we have recently been editing scenes from a script to practice with editing software so we can become comfortable with the editing process. In editing this is a job which people do and editors may just be given the script and the clips to edit without knowing much about the film project and I feel like this has been good preparation to understand the role of an editor.

Link to my edit -

First, we had to read each page of the scene to gain an understanding of what was happening. Next we had to watch each of the rushes. I found it easier to watch the rushes and also read the script so I could visualize the script better.

One of the challenges of this project was we didn't know what shot was what because the clips were not named, so we had to watch and listen to the rushes. Another issue was particular takes had bad audio, so a solution to this problem was we could have dubbed the audio and synced it to another take. I find this was interesting and good preparation for my projects because I can run into these kinds of problems myself.

Above is an image showing my file organisation on the Mac, here we can see I have organised my files into clips, projects, sequences. This way everything I need is where it is and it is easier to locate.

Above is an example page of the script we edited the scene from. We had to edit the scene to fit the script, so the voiceovers had to be in the right places.

Above is an image of the project I was editing this practice edit in. I was not able to use Avid for this edit because there was problems with Avid on the Mac lab.

I found the project was easy to edit eventually because I was able to memorise the script myself and this will be important for the role of an editor. My biggest problem when editing the scene was Audio, I was not sure of how to keep the Audio levels at a more consistent rate so in future I will need to learn more about how to control my audio levels.

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