Monday 23 November 2015

Conspiracy Theory Edit

For our Post Production assessment we had to make a 4-5 minute film about a conspiracy theory just by using other people's clips.. The video needs to demonstrate pace, a convincing argument, and good audio mix. We had the option to work with another student on this project, so I had worked with Jordan Griffin. The conspiracy theory we chose create our video about was Water Fluoridation.

Link to finished edit -


To begin this project, we had to do some research into Water Fluoridation. We have looked at many different sources such as articles and news reports to help us gain a better understand of what Water Fluoridation is.  From what I learnt Fluoride is a chemical which is put into water supplies across the world because it has benefits for dental hygiene. People believe that Fluoride is a deadly chemical which has serious affects on people, like Dental Fluorosis, bone damage, cancer, and damage to many tissues in your body and brain such as the Pineal Gland and the Thyroid Gland.

To get a convincing argument across, we need to show more than just the negative health affects of Fluoride. We need to show how it can benefit people as well because it is well known for helping people's dental hygiene. We need to tell the audience that Fluoride has a benefit but that benefit comes with a price. If we did not show the negative side of Water Fluoridation the audience would not be convinced that it is bad.

Something we need to consider on this assessment is how music and footage can affect the viewer. Juxtaposition will also needed to be used in this edit, it is important because of how that can affect the viewer. I will be showing some examples of juxtaposition in this blog further down.


Above is a screen shot of the project selection in Avid, to show how we have been managing our data on this assignment. I have our footage saved to an external hard drive and I will be saving the project file onto a hard drive so we are able to transport footage.

One problem we had encountered was that since we started this project on a Windows PC, it would not open on a Mac. We could only continue our edit on Windows PC.

Above is a screen shot of our progress on our first edit of the film. In this edit, we had many clips which had relevant audio but the audio to these clips wasn't very good for our film. For example, we had one clip which focused on the importance of water and the subject of it was good, but the audio had birds chirping in the background which was very distracting for our the viewer. We have decided not to use this clip in our final edit.

For our final video we are going to use a clip from the film Dr Strangelove (1964)

We think this clip will be more effective at introducing water fluoride because it begins to explain how it can be toxic for humans.  After this clip we can cut to the news reports and begin to bring the argument across.

As we can see on the sequence, a lot of the audio volumes had to be lowered so we could hear both the video audio and the music in the background. We will be doing this again with the second edit.

Above again is a screen shot showing our progress so far on the second edit. In the first minute of the video, we want to tell the audience about the importance of water. We want to tell the audience this so they are reminded about how vital water is, then when we come to show the clips about water fluoridation the audience will know that according to this conspiracy water isn't safe anymore.

To create Juxtaposition in our edit, we are going to show both human uses for water and natural uses of water.

Above is an example of two shots from the edit. One shot shows machinery from a water treatment plant, and the next shot is of a natural waterfall. I thought that these two shots juxtapose together because they are opposite yet similar images.

Above is another example from the edit, the first shot of the video shows someone writing down about the importance of water. The text describes how water is essential for all life on earth, and the next shot that it cuts to is of an Elephant drinking water. I felt that these two images juxtapose together will because it shows how it's needed for life to continue. Since the Elephant is known to be a hunted species it represents how life is fragile and water is needed for everything.

Creating a good audio mix is something I have found quite difficult, as I have been adding key frames to audio to help dialogue be heard over the music it's hard to keep the music at a consistent level.

Above is our finished timeline, our finished edit was 4:45 (Not including title & bibliography) and the limit for the assignment was 5:00 edit.

There a lot of new things I have done in Avid on this assignment, one example of this is creating titles. Before this, I hadn't used the title tool in Avid so I was not sure of how to use it. We needed to create titles so that we could show all the sources we used to create the video. Overall I found that it was quite simple to use but it was quite difficult to figure out how it fit in the timeline.


For this assignment we asked some of our classmates for their opinion on the final cut of the video.

"I think it's really good and it does get the argument across. I would fix the audio so it isn't so loud because at parts it really jumped at me." - Michael Connell


Since starting this project I think I have gotten to know the basics of Avid a lot more, because in the first few weeks of University I haven't been getting into Avid and I have found it difficult. Doing my rough cut of the film really helped me out with getting to know Avid.

I think that our final video had some issues. I don't think the sound mix was quite good, listening back to it parts sound louder than others and sometimes it feels like it's a little too loud for the audience. From this I have learnt to take more care with audio mixing in future and it has taught me to get other people to listen to my audio mix to see if it's okay for other people to hear.

I feel like our final edit did get the argument across, we used a mix of relevant dialogue from Dr Strangelove (1964) and various news reports found on YouTube. Using this clip helped make the video seem more emotive because it blended will with the background music we had used.

From this project, in future I need to know that I will have to be careful with how I manage my data. During the rough cut I had lost a minute of my edit because Avid crashed and I had forgotten to save the project. Although a minute of the edit doesn't seem like much that minute took almost an hour and a half to edit. This will teach me to keep saving projects regularly in future. Also this has made me realize the importance of creating back ups so if my computer were to crash, I would have an extra copy of my work in case I lost the original.

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